Witch's Winter


"Witch’s Winter" is an interactive, choose-your-own-adventure narrative. You play as the main protagonist who falls into a seemingly endless winter forest. As you journey through, meeting new characters and situations, you avoid death in the bitter cold and decide how you want to end the story.



How Did We Get Here?

I wanted to create and design a narrative in a digital form that would demand the audience’s involvement to move forward. I love to integrate my talent for copywriting into my design, so being able to author this story and create the path that the user would take in order to reach an ending was a great opportunity to combine my two skills.

This was specifically targeted at those who have always gravitated towards choose-your-own adventure stories. Being able to make Witch’s Winter accessible and easy to use was a constant battle I faced during the process of this creation. In the end, I was able to create this non-linear narrative with all the allure of choice.

Play here!